Things that made me smarter in the last couple of years


I compiled this list of things that I feel made me smarter and sharper over the past couple years. This list is obviously highly subjective...

Things that made me smarter

Switching to Emacs (Spacemacs)

  • I was using Vim/tmux before I switched to Spacemacs (my conversion was fuelled by the fact that I could still use the ergonomic keybinding of Vim while taking advantage of all the extra features offered by the Emacs ecosystem. I also discovered emacs lisp and prefer it over Vimscript).
  • I was using Wunderlist before switching to org-mode (when it got acquired by Microsoft I decided to look for alternative and org-mode seem like a future proof choice).
  • I was using wikidot for my personal wiki and I switched to org-wiki naturally.

Learning some Lisp

  • Out of curiosity and to increase my understanding of Emacs I started to learn some Lisp. Initially Emacs Lisp then Common Lisp to finally discover Clojure.
  • I enjoy watching Baggers videos.
  • I am using Clojure to play with Overtone and Quil.

Programming problems

Spaced repetition


Mind Map

  • I started to do some of my planning and brainstorming with Mind Map. Having my ideas represented visually allow me to think more effectively.


  • Everyday I read a few articles from Hacker News.
  • I read a lot of articles from Wikipedia by chunking them by section (I can spend a few days on one article if it has a lot of sections so this reading methodology has some spaced repetition caracteristics).
  • I organize my online reading through topical folders where I have 2 folders per topic (FOCUS and FUTURE). I dump every new items in the FUTURE folder and choose from it when I am finished with an article in the FOCUS folder. I try to limit the number of items in the FOCUS folder to less than 5. I have currently around 5-6 topical folders...


  • I configured a newsletter subscriptions feed in my mailbox using a dedicated email address that get redirected to my main email address and filtered into a specific folder.


  • I write a daily journal of the important stuffs that happen the day before. I then review these entries and organize them into my weekly journal.
  • I maintain a few other journals also (Gratitude Journal, Emotional Diary, Open Questions, Open Problems, Decision Journal, Forecast Journal and Error Log).


  • Distilling and organizing my thoughts decluster my mind and therefore make me more effective.


  • I try to do a deep thinking session every month where I either focus on solving a hard problem in my life or use something like the Cartesian doubt to get out of local minima...


  • I work on improving my Mandarin, French and English vocabulary daily (using mnemosyne flash cards).

Things that made me sharper

Dual N-Back

  • I use IQ Mindware (I do Dual N-Back on and off; it's hard not to feel like you are not wasting your time while n-backing but it is fun from time to time).


  • I train daily (Prisoner workout if I am limited in time or space). My traning include a 20-30 minutes session of either martial art, BJJ Mobility, Joint Mobility, Wim Hof exercise routine, bodyweight training or Kettlebells and I finish off with 10-20 minutes of stationary cycling.

Nootropics / Supplements

Contrast shower

  • I finish my daily shower with a contrast shower.


  • I meditate on Drone Music for about 20 minutes using Ekagrata (focusing on one object).


  • I do a respiration session after my daily meditation (I use a technique based on the Wim Hof Method).

Sleeping hygiene

  • I try to maximize my sleep quality with a good sleep hygiene.
  • I take 300 mcg of Melatonin 30 minutes before bed.

Naping [22 minutes Max]