Anzan Web (clojurescript)
The abacus system of mental calculation is a system where users mentally visualize an abacus to carry out arithmetical calculations. No physical abacus is used; only the answers are written down. Calculations can be made at great speed in this way. Source: Mental abacus - Wikiwand
This webapp is written in clojurescript and have the following features:
- Config: number of rows and digits; time for which the number is shown;
- Remember the last config used (local storage).
- Show calculation when the answer is wrong.
- Retry and skip.
- Press <enter> to start and skip.
- No vocalization
- Addition only
Install Leiningen first then execute these commands:
$ git clone $ cd anzan-clojure $ lein run -m anzan-clojure.server # http://localhost:3111/